Care tips for ficus plant

Ficus is one of the most popular plants for interior and outdoor decoration. Its stunning foliage ranks it as the best plant for decorating the living room, balcony, garden or yard.

Species and varieties

Ficus is native to the tropics and there are about 800 species in the form of trees, shrubs, climbing, or evergreen. The most popular and beloved in Greece are Ficus Benjamina, Ficus Elastica, Ficus Lyrata and Ficus Pumila.

Ficus Benjamina. It is one of the most famous plants with small oval green leaves and dense branching that can comfortably cover a large area, in many cases reaching up to 5 meters in height. It is one of the most popular plants that can thrive indoors and outdoors. It needs a bright spot to thrive without coming in direct contact with the sun's rays, as direct light exposure can cause burns on its leaves especially on hot summer days. It does not love very low winter temperatures and is likely to start dropping his leaves. So if it is kept indoors choose a location away from doors or balconies or if it is outdoors make sure it is not exposed to strong winds. Inside the house, do not place it near radiators and a fireplace. These trees are also known as weeping trees because of their shedding leaves. They tend to shed off their leaves whenever they are moved to another position or in an unfavorable habitat.

Ficus lyrata is considered to be trendy and is often used as an ornamental tree. It is a decorative tree, with large broad leaves, with deep green color. It took its name from the shape on its leaves resembling the lyre, the musical instrument of antiquity. Originating in tropical areas, it loves high temperatures and cannot withstand colds and currents. It thrives in shady or sunny places. An easy-to-care plant with resistance to pests and diseases and beneficial properties, as it combats toxic elements in the air. It will continue to grow as long as it is not in direct sunlight or else it might burn its leaves. It prefers moderate temperatures for development, around 15 to 22°C.

Ficus Elastica. It is one of the most popular ornamental trees in the world also known as rubber tree. Originating from India, it has strikingly large, fleshy and glossy leaves. In Greece, Ficus Elastica is known as a bushy indoor plant but we may also meet it as a tree, up to 10 meters high, in gardens or streets of various coastal areas with warm climate (Messenia and Crete). Ficus Elastika can grow in shady spots but it will also grow faster if it is placed in a spot that comes in contact with the sun for a few hours a day. The humidity of the atmosphere combined with temperatures ranging from 10-15 ° C is the ideal conditions for it. However it will easily adapt to much lower temperatures but does not like warm and dry places. It grows best in free-drained soils.

Ficus pumila also known as climbing or creeping fig plant, originating from China and Japan, with small, round leaves, one centimeter wide and thin shoot. Suitable for outdoors as it can climb. The vines of this plant often attach themselves to walls and pipes of buildings and can be very difficult to remove. The plants and vines of these species are often used in gardening as ornamental plants. We can also put it in pots and glass containers and ideally grow. It is a drought tolerant species.

Ficus trees are a common plant in the home and office, mainly because they look like a typical tree with a single trunk and a spreading canopy. But for all of their popularity, ficus plants are finicky. However, if you know how to care for a ficus tree, you’ll be better equipped with keeping it healthy and happy in your home for years.

When cultivated in pots, they must be placed in bright places, away from direct sunlight. Depending on the species they need moderate watering in spring and summer and less in autumn and winter, with lukewarm water always. Do not allow water to stagnate on the saucer. Ficus plants needs fertile soil with good drainage. For planting in a pot we select a general purpose nutrient enriched with nutrients and plant it in a relatively large flower pot because the bud develops an extensive root system. Ficus should be transplanted into a larger pot every 2 years in April. During May - June the soil needs to be enriched with liquid fertilizers (in water for irrigation) every second week. Ficus usually do not need pruning.

The most common problems Ficus plants have:

Leaf drop: is a ficus tree standard reaction to stress, whether it’s from any of the following: Under watering or over watering, low humidity or too hot or cold environment

Ficus are also prone to pests such as mealybugs, scale and spider mites.

If there are brown insects on the lower surface of the leaves and shoots and the color of the leaves is altered: granules. Clean one by one with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or a special insecticide.

Fungus – Ficus trees are also occasionally affected by fungus, which can make the tree drop its leaves. Often, a ficus tree with a fungus will have yellow or brown spots on the leaves.

Ficus trees can maintain their tree-like shape regardless of their size, so this makes them ideal for houseplants in large spaces. It is often found in the garden, in the entrances and in the porches of houses, and is also an excellent choice for decor in lounges, offices or public places. Choose the ideal plant for decorating your own place or for your special recipient from